All District 10 Meetings

Type Group Name Day Start Time Meeting Location Meeting City Active? Zoom ID Zoom Password Open to Observers
Zoom Only Serenity Seekers ACOA AFG Sun 7:30 PM N/A Herndon, VA Yes 890 1965 2354 990149 No
Hybrid Lunch AFG Mon 12:00 PM St. Anne's Episcopal Church Reston, VA Yes 723 7346 433 20190 No
Hybrid Hope AFG Mon 7:00 PM St. Timothy's Episcopal Church Herndon, VA Yes 523 3187 370 556114 Yes
Zoom Only Middleburg AFG Mon 8:00 PM N/A Middleburg, VA Yes 890 1965 2354 990149 No
Webex Only Just for Today Mon 8:30 PM N/A Herndon, VA Yes 23152964740 057-AFG906 No
Zoom Only Lunch AFG - ACOA Tues 12:00 PM N/A Reston, VA Yes 723 7346 433 20190 No
Zoom Only Lunch AFG Wed 12:00 PM St. Anne's Episcopal Church Reston, VA Yes 723 7346 433 20190 No
Hybrid Brown Bag AFG Wed 12:15 PM Leesburg Presbyterian Church Leesburg, VA Yes 890 1965 2354 990149 No
In-Person Finally Here AFG Wed 7:00 PM Loudoun Club 12 Leesburg, VA Yes N/A N/A No
In-Person Alateen 1st and 3rd Wed of the month 7:00 PM Loudoun Club 12 Leesburg, VA Yes N/A N/A No
Hybrid Wednesday 4 Men AFG Wed 7:30 PM St. Thomas A Becket Catholic Church Reston, VA Yes 872 7534 74 811879 Yes. Men Only
Zoom Only Bring Your Own Paper Writing Group Thur 10:00 AM N/A Leesburg, VA Ye 890 1965 2354 990149 No
Zoom Only Lunch AFG Thur 12:00 PM N/A Reston, VA Yes 723 7346 433 20190 No
In-Person Arcola AFG Thur 7:00 PM Arcola United Methodist Church Dulles, VA Yes N/A N/A No
Hybrid Lunch AFG Fri 12:00 PM St. Anne's Episcopal Church Reston, VA Yes 723 7346 433 20190 No
In-Person Beginner Meeting St. John Neumann Fri 6:00 PM until June 7 - Starting June 14 7:00pm St. John Neumann Catholic Church Reston, VA Yes N/A N/A No
In-Person Alateen 2nd and 4th Friday of every month. 7:00 PM St. John Neumann Catholic Church - Room A1 Reston, VA Yes N/A N/A No
In-Person Friday Night Lights AFG Fri 7:00 PM St. John Neumann Catholic Church Reston, VA Yes N/A N/A No
Hybrid 4M Men's AFG Sat 8:00 AM Washington Plaza Baptist Church Reston, VA Yes 844 3515 1627 Serenity4M Yes. Men Only.
In-Person Beginners Meeting Holy Trinity Sat 9:15 AM Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Leesburg, VA Yes N/A N/A No
In-Person Thank God It's Saturday AFG Sat 10:00 AM Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Leesburg, VA Yes N/A N/A No
Hybrid Saturday Serenity AFG Sat 10:30 AM St. Anne's Episcopal Church Reston, VA Yes 816 0711 6259 Saintanne No